Welcome Readers!
Out of the many writers and authors in the big wide world of the internet I appreciate you spending time here. Contemporary Fictional Literature with a touch of Romance is what I create. This isn’t my first foray into writing and authorship I've created and published several crochet pattern and inspirational books.
However, here is where you will see the literary expression of me, fully submerging into contemporary fiction through short stories and novels. Crafting stories of adventures in life and love of all types are what you’ll get from me.
When you’ve lived some time on this planet earth you will have realized that “things happen” and when they do, internally there are lots of swirling emotions, thoughts, and actions. I love that part of the human experience and those exciting parts I’ll write about and more.
So, spend some time enjoying the complimentary short stories and upcoming releases.
Mia Shawn